Friday, November 20, 2009


The week before last, we spent some time talking about reading and books and how we go about choosing a book to read. Here are some words and phrases that came up:

Word of mouth = boca a orella
There's no accounting for taste = sobre gustos no hay nada escrito

blurb = a short summary or some words of praise accompanying a creative work, usually referring to the words on the back of the book but also commonly seen on DVD and video cases and web portals.
paperback = tapa blanda

hardcover = tapa dura
spine = lomo


  1. Hello Teresa,

    I think the right translation of word of mouth is "boca a oreja"

    Boca a boca is for artificial breathing

    And is possible to say also "va de boca en boca" when a gossip is spreading

  2. I thought of that. Somehow, when I was writing the post it did not sound correct. So, thanks for spotting it!
