Here are some words and phrases that we have come across in our lessons:
To worship
To fulfill some requirements for a job
Above reproach = not deserving of blame or criticism (por encima de todo reproche)
A cock up
Complimentary gift = something given free to repay a favor or as an act of courtesy
e.g. complimentary copies of the new book
doble standards
La avaricia rompe el saco = if you're too greedy you end up with nothing
Posar la mà al foc = to stick one's neck out for somebody
Fer uns encàrrecs = to run some errands
To talk nonsense = dir bajanades
Mecenazgo = patronage
To harm = These pills won''t harm your system
To fund = to provide capital (funds) or other resources for a transaction, a project, a person, a business or other private or public institutions
To finance
To encourage = I encoraged him to apply for a position in the bank
laughing-stock = A figure or object of ridicule and laughter.
to prejudice
hatred = Hatred is blind, as well as love (Oscar Wilde)
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