Monday, December 21, 2009

Merry Christmas

A Catalan Christmas

A very funny video with Stephen Fry about some eschatologic Catalan traditions, namely, the 'Caga Tió' (The Shit log) and 'El Caganer' (The Crapper).

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Two Brains

For those of you who didn't have the chance to watch it...

About last class

Let's have a look at some words and phrases that we looked at in class:

The word 'after'can be a preposition, and it's used as follows:  After + NP (sintagma nominal = noun or pronoun)

e.g. after the meal/ the rain/the summer/that...

It can also be an adverb, with the same meaning as 'afterwards', and in that case, nothing follows:

e.g.  She came back a few days after

And, finally, it can be a conjunction and i's followed by a sentence (Subject + Verb, etc.):

e.g.  She came back a few days after I left

Finally, some words and ideas we discussed explained in wikipedia:

sympathy (noun), to sympathise (verb), sympathetic (adj.)

Compassion (noun), compassionate (adj.)

Remember that the latter has a positive connotation in English